- Art Kits
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Acorn Collaborative (Rosalba) + Stretching Canvas (Tiz) have collaborated once again and we are thrilled to introduce you to our ‘Colour Kits’ that will WOW you into creating unlimited possibilities. Explore one colour kit at a time. These colour kits and the materials we’ve carefully chosen for each are based on the properties of chakras. Chakra in Sanskrit means ‘wheel’ which refers to energy points in the body. Chakras are spinning wheels of energy located in the body. Each chakra is associated with a specific colour and responsible to take in, release and distribute energy throughout the body to keep our physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing working at its optimum. By learning about the properties of each chakra, people of all ages can better understand themselves, take ownership of their emotions to self-regulate, and move through challenging situations with resilience. Children as well as adults have the opportunity to create without boundaries through exploration, play, and wonder, bringing balance into the body, calm in the mind and joy in the heart. With each box, you receive a link to a short explanation of each colour, a grounding meditation and our thoughts about the beautiful materials to explore.
Enjoy our first colour kit- RED-which explores a major property of the first chakra /energy center: Root down to rise up.
This kit includes Items that are red and from the earth:
- red watercolour paint from Beam Paints
- paint brush
- red cardstock
- canvas roll
- watercolour paper
- red crayon
- red pastels
- red fabric
- red yarn
- crystals (5)
- red clay
- a stick
- a piece of wood
- wire
- a container for water
- a black felt mat
The element of this chakra or energy center is earth. When we explore with these materials, it allows us to feel calm, grounded, safe, secure + connected within our body + the earth.
This is important to engage in when we feel unsure, doubtful, uncertainty or scared.
Children going back to school may experience some of these feelings and this kit will provide them with comfort and creativity as well as tools to equip them when these feelings arise.
The kit also includes a short meditation and prompts that participants can use a guideline to explore their materials.
More details about Grounding with Red in the link that is included with your purchase!
Kits will begin being shipped out on August 23rd, 2021
We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!